Morocco Travel Guide
morocco travel guide
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Introduction of Morocco travel guide


Welcome to our Morocco travel guide, Morocco is a fascinating country that boasts a rich culture and breathtaking scenery. From the stunning Atlas Mountains to the vibrant markets and the luxurious riads, there’s an abundance of experiences to indulge in. Planning ahead is key to making the most of your trip, and in this guide, we’ll provide you with important tips and advice to help you prepare and plan your journey.


Whether you’re interested in exploring the ancient cities or trekking through the Sahara Desert, our guide will provide you with all the factual data you need to make your Moroccan adventure unforgettable.


Arrival Tips: Getting into Morocco


Morocco Travel Guide for Accommodation: Where to Stay?

  • Traditionally, visitors spend the night in Morocco in so-called riads.
  • Riads are traditional multi-story buildings that have a wonderful courtyard and often have a grand interior.
  • Riads offer a unique experience and are available for about 70 to 100 Euros per night, including breakfast for two people.
  • Morocco has a high density of grand and stylish accommodations, with larger cities offering a variety of options.
  • Staying in a riad is highly recommended, and visitors should look for rooms with heating during the colder months.
  • A printed travel guide, such as the Rough Guide Travel Guide for Morocco, is recommended alongside online resources for trip planning.
  • Morocco is a culturally diverse country with a mix of Berber and Arabian cultures, and French and Spanish influences.
  • The country offers a variety of attractions such as relaxing beach resorts, historic cities, and stunning landscapes.
  • The official languages are Arabic, Berber, French, and Spanish, with English becoming increasingly spoken in tourist areas.
  • The best way to get to Morocco is by flying into Casablanca or Marrakech.


Best Time and Season for Traveling to Morocco

morocco travel guide for the Best time and season for Traveling to Morocco

 The best time to visit Morocco is during spring and early autumn, while midsummer can be too hot for desert exploration.


  •  Spring (March to May) and autumn/fall (September to November) are the ideal times for round trips through Morocco.
  • Midsummer (July and August) is not recommended, especially for desert visits, due to high temperatures and sandstorms.
  • Christmas and New Year are busy and expensive times, with crowds and limited restaurant availability.
  •  Colder months (December to February) can get uncomfortably cold at night, so it’s best to find accommodations with heating.


Morocco Travel Guide: Best Things To Do (10-day Itinerary)

  1.  A 10-day itinerary can cover many of Morocco’s highlights, including the Blue City of Chefchaouen, the medina of Fes, and the Sahara Desert.
  2.  Traveling by bus is a convenient and affordable option for getting between cities.
  3.  Accommodations can range from riads to desert camps.
  4.  It’s important to respect Morocco’s cultural norms, such as dressing modestly and asking permission before taking photos of people.
  5.  Taking a guided tour can enhance the experience and provide valuable insights into the culture and history of Morocco.


Places to Visit in Morocco


  1. The historic city of Marrakech is a must-see destination, with its vibrant markets, stunning gardens, and ancient palaces.
  2. The coastal city of Essaouira offers a relaxed atmosphere, with a picturesque medina and stunning beaches for surfing and swimming.
  3. Fes is another ancient city that’s worth visiting, with its well-preserved medieval architecture and bustling souks.
  4. The Roman ruins of Volubilis offer a glimpse into Morocco’s ancient history, with stunning mosaics and well-preserved buildings.
  5. For those interested in nature, the Dades and Todra Gorges offer breathtaking scenery, with towering cliffs and winding rivers.
  6. The Ait Benhaddou Kasbah is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a stunning example of traditional Moroccan architecture.
  7. For those seeking adventure, the Sahara Desert offers camel treks, sandboarding, and starry night skies that are not to be missed.


Morocco truly has something for everyone, from history and culture to nature and adventure. Plan your visit today and discover the beauty and diversity of this fascinating country.

Conclusion of morocco travel guide


Based on factual data, Morocco is a country full of cultural and natural wonders, from the colorful markets to the stunning landscapes of the Atlas Mountains and Sahara desert. The best times to visit are in the spring and autumn, with midsummer being the least ideal due to high temperatures and sandstorms.


In terms of accommodation, traditional riads are a popular choice, often offering stylish and comfortable rooms for around 70 to 100 euros per night. Visitors can also follow a 10-day itinerary to experience the best of Morocco, from the blue city of Chefchaouen to the medieval cities of Fes and Marrakech, with stunning scenery and memorable experiences along the way.


English, Arabic, Berber, and French are among the recognized languages in Morocco, and the country gained independence from French and Spanish rule in 1956. With its fascinating history and diverse attractions, Morocco offers something for everyone.


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